Social work is also an integral part of the church body. It reflects the love of God to the unreached. Learn more about the link between these with Pr. Sheldon Priestly.
The bible is very clear that in the last days, even the very elect will be deceived. In order to overcome this, we need to be strongly rooted in faith to not believe in the things we see around us. Learn more about this vital faith with Pr. Lijomon Johney.
God is also known as a porter who can mold and make us if we allow Him to do so. Learn how to become an honoured vessel for God with Pr. K. K. Lazarus.
Being humble and meek as the bible says eliminates pride and ego which can be the biggest enemies of your own lives. Join us with Pr. Sarath Barnabas as he share many important lessons we can learn from being humble.
Jesus demonstrated His love for human on the cross. If we understand His love, care and grace, we will understand that we are not worthy of His mercy, but His grace is still sufficient for us.
Jesus reminds us through Isaiah 49:15 that He will never forget us. Learn more about this Saviour in this series with Pr. Joy John.
Jesus is the corner stone and the central focus of the Bible. In this series, we will lift Him up as the centre of the prophecy through which everyone can be drawn towards Him.
There are reasons God allows suffering for everyone. It is to teach us lessons like patience, humility, grace, trusting in God, compassion, etc. Join us with Pr. Rajesh Sasidharan as he tries to teach the reasons for the sufferings in your life.
This show has a detailed study of the prophecies in the book of Daniel with a special focus on the End Time and God's people.
Hope Sabbath School is a weekly in-depth interactive study of the Word of God.
Jesus spoke to the multitudes in parables. A parable is a simple story to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson. In this way Jesus way able to communicate the message to all groups of people. The parables continue to teach great lessons. They (parables) describe to us of the different situations that we face in our lives and how we can encounter the situations.
The Bible is filled with stories of many people who tread on the same grounds we tread today. They have been recorded so that we can learn valuable lessons from them and reorient our lives accordingly. Join us in this series with Pr. Abin David as he share some such stories from the bible.
All of the sanctuary services represented a sinner's journey back to God or was the blueprint to salvation. Let us learn more about this in detail and see how we can be saved.
The journey of Jesus from His birth to His death on calvary is detailed in all of the gospels and there are so many things we can learn from it. Join us with Pr. Amos Philip and learn some valuable lessons that you can apply to your life.
In this series, learn about a narrow way that can lead you toward life eternal with Pr. Binoy Jacob.
Take a look into the past of various people’s lives who share their testimonies and the path they tread on earlier. See how God turned their lives.